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School Name: Select School , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Little, Michele , Mueller, Brooke , Prill, Chris , Ruggiero, Pam , Ruggiero, Pam Armstrong Middle School, Bowman, Diana Armstrong Middle School, Pratt, Sue Armstrong Middle School, Tallmadge, Kate Armstrong Middle School, Temple, Adrienne Atherton High School, Booker, Ashley Baker Career, Miller, Trish Bendle High School, Barden, Todd Bendle Middle School, Hall, James Bentley High School, Malmquist, Rebecca Brandon High School, Rawling, Elisabeth Brandon Middle School, Green, Dave Byron Middle School, D Loomis, N Carman-Ainsworth High School, , Carman-Ainsworth High School, Elder, N Carman-Ainsworth High School, H, K Carman-Ainsworth High School, Lawrence, Julie Carman-Ainsworth High School, Miller, Trish Carman-Ainsworth High School, Stone, Judy Carman-Ainsworth Middle School, Lawrence, Julie Carman-Ainsworth Middle School, Maynard, Derek Carter Middle School, Hearn, Lisa Carter Middle School, McChesney, Becky Carter Middle School, Niemi, Ryan Central High School, , Central High School, Baker-Williams, Diane Central High School, Davis, M Central High School, Horsha, J Central High School, Plants, Tim Central High School, Purdue, C Central High School, Zuidema, W Chatfield, Boyle, Tracy Chatfield, Young, Annette Clio High School, Hearn, Lisa Clio Middle School, McCallum, Chip Clio Middle School, Niemi, Ryan Cook Elementary, , Cook Elementary, Miller, H Davison Middle School, , Davison Middle School, Kosiara, Jody Davison Middle School, Weekley, Crystal Dukette Catholic School, Cambell, J Fenton Middle School, , Fenton Middle School, Cradit, Richard Fenton Middle School, Mills, Todd Fenton Middle School, Reynolds, Clair Flushing High School, , Flushing High School, Anderson, Chad Flushing High School, McGowan, K Flushing Middle School, Fras, F Flushing Middle School, Marcy, T Flushing Middle School, McGowan, K Flushing Middle School, McGowan, Kathy Genesee Area Skill Center, , Genesee Area Skill Center, Bartholomew, D Genesee Area Skill Center, Cook, Al Genesee Area Skill Center, Groom, Tracey Genesee Area Skill Center, Koontz, J Genesee Area Skill Center, Logan-Dudley, Joyce Genesee Middle School, , Genesee Middle School, Malonich, Matt Goodrich High School, , Goodrich High School, Anderson, S Goodrich High School, Roberts, Shelly Goodrich Middle School, , Goodrich Middle School, Anderson, Sven Goodrich Middle School, Dawson, Brad Goodrich Middle School, Doyle, Erin Goodrich Middle School, Rivet, Cindy Goodrich Middle School, Salter, Craig Goodrich Middle School, Steinhaus, Rob Goodrich Middle School, Wheatley, T Grand Blanc East Middle School, Bussinger, Angela Grand Blanc East Middle School, Lacki, Deb Grand Blanc East Middle School, Nelson, Pat Grand Blanc East Middle School, Sobeck, Crystal Grand Blanc East Middle School, Wambaugh, Steve Grand Blanc East Middle School, Wilson, Debra Grand Blanc High School, , Grand Blanc High School, , Grand Blanc High School, Powers, Suzanne Grand Blanc High School, Wilson, D Grand Blanc High School, Wolfgram, D Grand Blanc Middle School, Lacki, Deb Grand Blanc Middle School, Lemerond, E Grand Blanc Middle School, Lemerond, Elizabeth Grand Blanc Middle School, Neale, K Grand Blanc Middle School, Roberts, Trish Grand Blanc Middle School, Skrisson, Vicki Grand Blanc Middle School, Turnbow, Scott Grand Blanc Middle School, Wambaugh, Steve Grand Blanc Middle School, Wilson, Debbie Grand Blanc West Middle School, Goetz, Michael Grand Blanc West Middle School, Lemeron, Elizabeth Grand Blanc West Middle School, Lemerond, Elizabeth Grand Blanc West Middle School, Schunot, Anna Grand Blanc West Middle School, Schunot, Anna Grand Blanc West Middle School, Skrisson, Victoria Hamady High School, Bryant, Arletha Hamady High School, Hall, James Hamady High School, Wylie, Tammy Holmes Middle School, Anderson, Sue Holmes Middle School, Brooks, Tanisha Holmes Middle School, Chickini, Holmes Middle School, Dixon, Heather Holmes Middle School, Ochodnicky, Chris Holmes Middle School, Stromer, Eric Holmes Middle School, Tutt, Charles International Academy, Shaw, Matthew Johnson AAA, Ochodnicky, Chris Kennedy Center Day Treatment, , Lake Fenton High School, Grigas, Joe Lake Fenton High School, Grigas, Joe Lake Fenton High School, Morgan, Matt Lake Fenton Middle School, Little, Michele LakeVille Middle School, , LakeVille Middle School, Burris, Patrick LakeVille Middle School, Chapin, Matt LakeVille Middle School, Henley, Josh LakeVille Middle School, Whitney, Ken LakeVille Middle School, Wood, Ashley Lapeer High School, Butterfield, Cheryl Linden Middle School, , Linden Middle School, Cornell, Kim Linden Middle School, Mason, Cori Linden Middle School, Nester, Charlene Longfellow Middle School, , Longfellow Middle School, Qualls, Tom Longfellow Middle School, Zuzack, M Marshall Greene Middle School, Daenzer, Tammy Marshall Greene Middle School, Rothe, Roger Marshall Greene Middle School, Snellenberger, Todd McKinley (SWA South), Finch, Scott Middle School, Perreault, Kim Montrose High School, , Montrose High School, Kahn, Jennifer Montrose High School, Masser, Bob Montrose Middle School, Belson, Tammy Montrose Middle School, Belson, Tammy Montrose Middle School, Masser, Bob Montrose Middle School, McPhail, Tiara Montrose Middle School, Sanborn, Kelly Mt. Morris Middle School, Carr, Nick Mt. Morris Middle School, Dhaene, Rebekah Mt. Morris Middle School, Finateri, Nick Mt. Morris Middle School, Freeman, Zack Mt. Morris Middle School, Henderson, Kelli Mt. Morris Middle School, McCormick, Kimberly Mt. Morris Middle School, Peter, Al Mt. Morris Middle School, Rawling, Elisabeth Mt. Morris Middle School, Tallmadge, Kate North Branch High School, Lots, Angela North Branch High School, McMurtry, Maryanne North Branch High School, Wenta, Carrie North Branch Middle School, Sherrieb, Anne North Branch Middle School, Tumblin, Julie North Branch Middle School, Wildey, Kaitlyn Northern High School, , Northern High School, Aversa, Nadina Northern High School, Burr, Martha Northern High School, Davis, J Northern High School, Gould, K Northern High School, Walling, C Northern High School, Walling, Chris Northwestern Academy, Berkey, Jarrod Northwestern Academy, Kost, Mary Ann Northwestern Academy, Lots, Angela Northwestern Academy, Parmentier, Howard Northwestern High School, , Northwestern High School, Aversa, Nadina Northwestern High School, Benedict, Tammy Northwestern High School, Ruddock, J Northwestern High School, Zwiebel, P Northwestern Preperatory, Stebbens, Renee Perry Innovation Center, Vallimont, Jason Powers Catholic High School, Lawrence, Julie Powers Catholic High School, Nelson, J Ruth Fox Middle School, Hall, James Ruth Fox Middle School, Mitchell, Cindy Southwestern Academy High School, Assa, B Southwestern Academy High School, Babieracki, D Southwestern Academy High School, Cook, Al Southwestern Academy High School, Green, S Southwestern Academy High School, Harrison, A Southwestern Academy High School, Stewart Roberts, Shelly Southwestern Academy Middle School, Babieracki, Dave Southwestern Academy Middle School, Baker-Williams, Diane Southwestern Academy Middle School, Finch, Scott Southwestern Academy Middle School, Harrison, A Southwestern Academy Middle School, Louchart-Keefer, Lynn Southwestern Academy Middle School, Roetter, Paul Southwestern Academy Middle School, Schlicht, M. Southwestern Academy Middle School, Stewert-Roberts, Shelly Southwestern Academy Middle School, Zwiebel, P Southwestern Classical Academy, Aversa, Nadina St. John Vianney, , St. John Vianney, Matlon, Janice St. John Vianney, Petrides, Elizabeth St. John Vianney, Scott, Jason St. John Vianney, Stewart, Shelly St. John Vianney, Tower, Jason St. Thomas More, Roberts, Shelly Swartz Creek High School, Church, Carrie Swartz Creek High School, Dorow, Meredith Swartz Creek Middle School, , Swartz Creek Middle School, Forbes, Brandolyn Swartz Creek Middle School, Haldy, Brandi Swartz Creek Middle School, Hill, Dori Swartz Creek Middle School, Kaplan, R J Swartz Creek Middle School, Lumley, Hannah Swartz Creek Middle School, Murphy, Dan Swartz Creek Middle School, Olson, B Swartz Creek Middle School, Speck, Paul Swartz Creek Middle School, Thomas, Adam Swartz Creek Middle School, Thomas, Al The New Standard, Dixon, Heather The Valley School, White, Mike Valley School, Wisenbaugh, Jeanne Ways of Wonder, Coronado, Anne Whittier Middle School, , Whittier Middle School, Hunter, Kim Whittier Middle School, Ryan, Robert Whittier Middle School, Trombley, Jarrett Youth Quest, Adkins, Cheryl Youth Quest, Borrow, Brook Youth Quest, Harden, Korie Youth Quest, Jones, Nefertari Youth Quest, Newman, Valerie Zemmer Middle School, Allen, Jessica Zemmer Middle School, Ewald, Chris Zemmer Middle School, Gartrell, Kelly Zemmer Middle School, Prill, Anne Zemmer Middle School, Stevens, Wyatt Please Select a School Site Name: Select Site Armstrong Creek at Dodge Road Bear Swamp at Genesee Road Bottom Creek Brandon High School Camp Copneconic Carman Creek Behind Carman Ainsworth- Baker Carman MS Chipmunk Creek Chipmunk Creek Clio Bike Path Crampton Drain at Kearsley Armstrong Craven and Benson Drain off Mt Morris Road Davison Black Creek Davison Kearsley Creek Downstream from For-Mar Nature Center Farmers Creek Farmers Creek @ Wynns Mill Rd. Fenton Mill Pond (Shiawassee River) Flint River - Southern Links Trailway Flint River @ Barber Memorial Park Flint River @ Columbiaville Docks Flint River @ Linden Rd Flint River @ M-15 Flint River @ Mill Rd Bridge Flint River @ Mt. Morris and Gillette Flint River @ Oak Rd Flint River @ Steeping Stone Falls Flint River @ UofM Flint Pedestrian Bridge Flint River East of Harrison St Flint River West of Johnson AAA School Flushing Park at Pavilion #2 Gibson Drain Gilkey Creek behind Central High School Holloway Reservoir at Mt. Morris Bridge Holloway Reservoir Columbiaville Immediately west of the Farmer Kearsley Creek at For-Mar Kearsley Creek at Goodrich Commons Kearsley Creek near Goodrich High School Kearsley Creek South of Dort Lake Drain @ Randy Wise Lake Drain at Coldwater Rd. Lapeer Hunters Creek Layman Drain - Grand Blanc Perry Innovation Center Linden Mill Pond (Shiawassee River) Misteguay Creek Mott Farm between house and barn Mott Golf Course Bridge at hole #6 Mott Lake - Bluegill Boat Ramp North Branch Middle School Drain Pierson Drain at Atherton HS Pine Run Pine Run at Clio Park Pine Run east of Jennings Rd Pirnie Creek at Beecher Road Platform south of Main Street Bridge in Flushing Richfield Park Runnels Drain at Dixie Hwy. Seven Ponds Nature Center Seymour Road North of Farrand Road Silver Creek Silver Creek Elms Rd. Silver Creek Morrish Rd. Southeast corner of M-57 and Seymour Road Swartz Creek (West Branch) Swartz Creek @ Frost Gardens Swartz Creek at Happy Hollow Swartz Creek at Hill Road Bridge Swartz Creek at Swartz Creek M.S. Swartz Creek at Van Slyke Road Swartz Creek Golf Course Swartz Creek Golf Course Swartz Creek Headwaters Swartz Creek south of Powers Thornville south of Dryden Road Thread Creek @ Vantine Rd Thread Creek at Bristol Road Thread Creek at McCandlish Road Thread Creek at Perry Road Thread Creek at Rust Park in Grand Blanc Thread Creek Rust Park Grand Blanc Timberwolf Turnout off Irish Road Unlisted Location Upstream of For-Mar Nature Center Vietnam Veterans Zemmer drain Please Select a Site Test Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Date Missing Test time (--:-- --): Ambient Temperature (°C): Water Temp @ Site (°C): Water Temp Upstream (°C): Weather and Other Notes: Invalid Test Data WQI Data Summary Form Test Name Field Data Units Q-ValueFrom Graphs Weighting Factor * Total Value Dissolved Oxygen mg/L 0.17 % Sat Fecal Coliform Colonies / 100mL 0.16 pH Units 0.11 B.O.D. Old mg/L (tested @ river) 0.11 New mg/L (after 5 days) Difference Temperature Delta (°C) 0.10 Phosphate mg/L (PO4) GM Total Phospahate Concetration 0.10 ppm (O-PO4) Othphosphate from Field Nitrates mg/L (NO3-N)Field Data 0.10 x 4.4 = mg/L (NO3) Turbidity JTU's 0.08 Total Solids mg/L 0.07 Total WQI Value Sum: Total Weighted WQI Value: